Herb Care Info

By admin|June 18, 2012|Information

Herb Growing Guide

General: All of these herbs can be grown in the soil, or in a large container on a deck or patio. Soil should be well drained, so those of you whose native soil is heavy clay should probably consider using a large container. Harvest instructions are specific to each herb, but to dry these herbs for later use (unless otherwise noted): tie the bases of the cut leaves/stems together and hang upside down in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight. Let dry for 2-4 weeks and then store in glass jars to contain the aromatic oils that give the flavor.


-Full Sun, Well Drained Soil


-Harvest just above a node (above where the leaves meet the stem)

-Cut off flowers to maintain quality


-Full Sun, Well Drained Soil

-Hardy to USDA Zone 3a

-Use leaves as they grow

-Can multiply rapidly


-Full Sun to Part Shade, Well Drained Soil


-Seeds (Coriander) ripen in midsummer and can be collected and dried

-Leaves can be used as soon as they grow


-Full Sun, Well Drained Soil

-Hardy to USDA Zone 5a

-Use leaves as they grow

-When you plant, cut it back to about 1 ½” from the center to stimulate bushier growth


-Full Sun to Part Shade, Well Drained Soil

-Biennial grown as an annual

-Use leaves as they grow

-Full Sun, Well Drained Soil

-Hardy to USDA Zone 4a

-Harvest leaves prior to flowering

-Dry on screens in a well-ventilated room away from direct sunlight

Lemon Basil:

-Full Sun, Well Drained Soil

-Keep watered, (moist not sopping)


-Cut off flowers to maintain quality


-Full Sun, Well Drained Soil

-Hardy to USDA Zone 4a

-Harvest just before flowering, midsummer.

Sweet Marjoram:

-Full Sun, Well Drained Soil

-Tender perennial grown as annual

-Cut full plants just before full flower set

-Attracts bees


-Full Sun, Well Drained Soil

-Gets quite tall, protect from wind

-Both leaves and seeds can be used

-Use leaves as they grow, cut off seedheads after they turn brownish

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