This Week on the Farm 5/7

By admin|May 7, 2012|Information

Rain, rain, rain, this last week has been rainy and damp.

Early in the week we were able to get a lot of seeds in the ground. We created a new tool to help mark where the rows are for things that are direct seeded. We are now able to set up one string that marks a straight row and then pull our marker along the string to make three parallel lines that are 17 inches apart. We used this new tool to mark the rows to plant beets, arugula, Swiss chard, pac choy, and turnips. Between our 3 pt rototiller and our new tool, we have cut the amount of time it takes us to get our direct seeding by almost two thirds.

We also planted six types of loose leaf lettuce, but we are concerned that all of the rain this last week washed the seed away. We will know in a day or two whether or not we need to replant that planting in addition to the planting that was already planed for this week.

The squash plants we seeded in the greenhouse last week are popping already. This week marks the last big seeding list for in the greenhouse. All of the winter squash gets planted this week and after that it is mainly successional plantings of romaine lettuce.

We are trying a new method of control for Colorado Potato Beetles this year. We are digging trenches and lining them with black plastic. When the beetles move from their overwintering site in the brushy fence row a lot of them walk and this way they fall into the trench as they try to reach the potato plants. The plastic prevents them from climbing out and they die in the trenches. It is a lot of work and so far we have the west side done. We need to at least get the south side finished as well this spring, since those are the areas where the majority of the beetles will be coming from. We want to make sure we get the whole field encircled by late summer to trap the beetles as they move to the fence rows to overwinter. By decreasing the overwintering population that should help us out next year.

Saturday evening the ground was dry enough we were able to get the rest of the onions in the ground. Now we are waiting for things to dry out to get the celery and the second plantings of kohlrabi and cabbage in the ground. Keep your fingers crossed for some dry weather!

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